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A Matrix Approach to the Research of the Movement of Financial Flows Between Institutional Sectors in a Region


Ilya V. Naumov


The paper presents the results of modelling of a matrix of financial flows in Sverdlovsk oblast in 2010–2015. The modelling relies on the systematisation and processing of primary accounting information reflecting the interactions of credit institutions, insurance organisations and financial asset management companies with other institutional sectors (public administration, households, nonfinancial corporations and others). To build the matrix the author used the double entry principle according to which changes occurring with financial assets of one institutional sector lead to a proportional change in the liabilities of other sectors. The generated matrix enabled the author to identify three main stages of the financial development of institutional sectors in the region in 2010–2015 and reveal the corresponding peculiarities of the financial flows movements between sectors in the regional system using the information about operations with cash, short-, medium- and long-term deposits and loans, shares and securities, derivatives, etc.

Keywords: matrix of financial flows; institutional sectors; financial corporations; households

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For citation: Naumov I. V. Matrichnyy podkhod v issledovanii protsessov dvizheniya finansovykh potokov mezhdu institutsional’nymi sektorami v regione [A matrix approach to the research of the movement of financial flows between institutional sectors in a region]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 6 (74), pp. 77–91.