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The Study of Website Competitiveness Using the Method of Fuzzy Modelling


Galina I. Pozharskaya and Svetlana L. Andreeva


The paper studies the competitiveness of websites, which remain the major tool of online marketing. Based on expert estimates of websites of the ten leading higher education institutions in Yekaterinburg the authors specify indicators contributing to perceiving a website as efficient, such as website popularity, visibility, usability, navigation, and establish complex criteria for website competitiveness using the fuzzy sets methodology. With the use of MathCad, they develop a mathematical model, which can be applied to research the criteria of competitiveness of any market objects, and calculate an integrated indicator of website competitiveness. As a result of the study, the authors rank higher education institutions according to the competitiveness of their websites.


promotion; online marketing; website ranking; competitiveness; educational institution; fuzzy set.

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For citation:

Pozharskaya G. I., Andreeva S. L. Issledovanie konkurentosposobnosti veb-resursov metodom nechetkogo modelirovaniya [The study of website competitiveness using the method of fuzzy modelling]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 3 (71), pp. 77−90.