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The Methodology for Assessing Efficiency of Public Procurement Execution


Margarita K. Aristarkhova, Olga K. Zueva and Anna Yu. Perevezentseva


The paper presents a methodology for assessing efficiency of public procurement execution. Accord‑ ing to the authors, structural elements of the toolkit for designing the methodology include fundamental principles, research methods, functions and elements of controlling, logization. Modern system of public procurement control needs such a methodology for efficiency assessment that will enable evaluation of efficiency during the execution phase and some time later as well as ensure evaluation of the quality of accompanying works. In addition, it is important to assess the activities of government structures connected with the execution of public procurement. The authors created a methodology that takes into account the aforementioned specifics and among others, implementation delay inherent in public procurement and its dual-subject nature. The designed methodology relies on the so-called “twofold assessment”, which allows evaluating the execution of the public procurement in the moment of its comple‑ tion and certain time later, when it is possible to judge about the quality of goods supplied and services provided. Total efficiency of actions taken in the course of public procurement is measured with the use of integrated indicators.

Keywords: public procurement; efficiency; assessment; moment assessment; prolonged assessment; scale; formations; comprehensive assessment.

For citation:

Aristarkhova M. K., Zueva O. K., Perevezentseva A. Yu. Metodika otsenki effektivnosti ispolneniya gosudarstvennogo zakaza [The Methodology for Assessing Efficiency of Public Procurement Execution]. ]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 1 (69), pp. 47–62.