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  • Russian (CIS)
Normative Program of Behavioral Economics: Balancing Individual and Public Good


Svetlana I. Ponomareva and Tatyana A. Yushkova


The paper addresses an important scientific-practical problem of balancing individual and public good within the new paternalism as a kind of behavioral economics. The study is carried out applying an interdisciplinary approach and taking into account modern achievements of economic and psycho‑ logical sciences. Having reviewed theoretical approaches to the problem, the authors were able to build theoretical-methodological and applied bases of the analysis of behavioral economics and new pater‑ nalism in economics allowing for existing traditions of research. The paper examines assimilation of basic principles of the new scientific paradigm by economics. Then, certain types of state interference, particularly, in cases when the theory authorizes various measures of paternalistic care, are conceptually justified. The criteria for evaluating particular institutions or policies from the viewpoint of efficiency in the provision of public goods are identified. Special attention is paid to modern behavioral theories that underlie the theory and practice of the new paternalism. The policy of soft “nudging”, which represents a new contribution of behavioral economics into practice government regulation, is scrutinized.

Ключевые слова: individual good; public good; behavioral economics; new paternalism; new behaviorism; cognitive error.

For citation:

Ponomareva S.I., Yushkova T. A. Normativnaya programma povedencheskoy ekonomiki: sootnoshenie individual'nogo i obshchestvennogo blaga [Normative Program of Behavioral Economics: Balancing Individual and Public Good]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 1 (69), pp. 5–15.