• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Problems of Regional Specifics of Life Quality and Living Standard of the Population in the USSR and the Urals (1960–1980s) in the Russian Historiography

Author: Andrey V. Trofimov, Dr. Sc. (History), Prof. of General & Economic History Dprt; Tatyana G. Buyarova, applicant for Candidate degree of General & Economic History Dprt.

Abstract: The article deals with the processes of formation and development of scientific views on the dynamics of the living standards and quality of life in the USSR and the Ural region in 1960–1980s. As the object of research the authors take historiographic sources devoted to the study of territorial and regional issues of the living standards and quality of life.

Key words: living standard; quality of life; historiography; regional issues.