• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
The Role of the Federal Budget Revenues Administration Assigned to the Federal Service of Financial and Budgetary Supervision (Rosfinnadzor) in Managing the Society and the Financial System of the Russian Federation

Author: Natalia M. Guseva, Cand. Sc. (Ec.), Head of Federal Budget Revenues Accounting, Financing & Administering

Abstract: The article deals with the administration of the federal budget revenues performed by the Federal Service of Financial and Budgetary Supervision in the context of interaction of political, social, and economic factors. The author suggests her own approach to identifying the categories of final socially significant results of the administration of the federal budget revenues by the Federal Service of Financial and Budgetary Supervision, lists main achievements in carrying out this function. The results of the research are the basis for further assessment of efficiency of the Federal Service of Financial and Budgetary Supervision being the major administrator of the federal budget revenues.

Key words: revenues administration; public administration; management; result; efficiency; assessment; control.