• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
On Social Security of the Individual in Russian History (Social-Philosophical Aspects)

Author: Andrey V. Shilovtsev, Cand. Sc. (History), Assistant-Prof. of General & Economic History Dept; Konstantin P. Stozhko, Dr. Sc. (History), Cand. Sc. (Ec.), Prof., Head of General & Economic History Dept.

Abstract: The article looks at the phenomenon of social security of the individual in the Russian Society within historical retrospective (the IX–early XX centuries). From social-philosophical point of view the paper considers the dialectical interrelation of the structure and content of social security with the condition of the Russian statehood and development of legal institutions at every critical stage in the Russian history. The authors demonstrate that violence on the part of monarchical state and absence of effective moral principles regarding social development led to the emergence of threats and dangers that were liquidated, as a rule, during great social conflicts.

Key words: social security of the individual; social justice; social institution; state violence; class; historical process; Russian society.