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Characteristic Features of Demand Development in Labour Market


Vladimir G. Bylkov


Having researched the impact of the external and internal factors on the demanded amount of work‑ force and the structure of available vacancies, the author identified the following stages of labour demand development: demand formation at the level of economic entities, vacancy positioning in the labour market infrastructure, and filling a vacancy. The assessment of the methods of vacancy positioning in the local labour market enabled the author to detect the most efficient trajectories of filling vacancies and conclude that the objective information about vacancies as well as developed recruitment classification of jobs contributes to the realistic assessment of the situation in the labour market. The proposed meth‑ odological approaches allow evaluating the demand for various jobs and the degree of tension in local labour market

Keywords: labour market; demand for labour; vacancy; workplace; factors of demand; demand for new employees; demand for replacing employees; workforce movements

For citation:

Bylkov V.G. Kharakternye osobennosti razvitiya sprosa na rynke truda [Characteristic Features of Demand Development in Labour Market]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 5 (67), pp. 88–99.