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Market Segmentation of Investments into the Regional Industrial Parks

Authors: Andrey Ye. Plakhin and Anna B. Stavrova


The article presents the findings of the study on investment climate in Sverdlovsk oblast, including the factors behind the decision on placing production in the oblast’s industrial parks. The authors collected data on the availability of resources and the quality of business infrastructure as well as assessed the degree of potential investors’ satisfaction with the availability and quality of investment platforms accompanied with necessary infrastructure in the municipalities of Sverdlovsk oblast. The paper identifies four groups of potential residents of Sverdlovsk oblast’s industrial parks whose needs should be taken into account by management companies while adapting their marketing strategies as well as during the design of appropriate pricing policy and strategies for future development. In addition, the authors formulate recommendations to improve the investment climate in Sverdlovsk oblast according to a number of parameters, namely, the regulatory environment, business and the quality institutions, and availability of infrastructure.

Keywords: investment attractiveness; investment; market segmentation; industrial parks; industrial parks structures; clusters; regional economy.

For citation:

Plakhin A.Ye., Stavrova A. B. Segmentirovanie rynka investitsiy v regional'nye promyshlennye parkovye struktury [Market Segmentation of Investments into the Regional Industrial Parks]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 4 (66), pp. 66–79.