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Formation of Competitive Immunity of Industrial Enterprises Under the New Industrialization

Author: Pyotr P. Krylatkov and Igor O. Blinkov


The paper examines the viewpoints of domestic and foreign scientists on the factor of competitive cooperation between industrial enterprises. It detects the need for forming a broader view on the problem of competitive cooperation using the examples of a significant number of participants of this process. The article elaborates on the concept “competitive immunity of an industrial enterprise”. At this, the greatest attention is paid to sustainable development and dynamic adaptation of an enterprise to changing external and internal environment. The authors perform the comparative analysis of the content of factors “competitiveness” and “competitive immunity” of an industrial enterprise, which is followed by the conclusion about advantages of long-term competitive coexistence of industrial enterprises. The paper proposes main elements of the strategy for forming competitive immunity, namely, functions, subjects, tasks, methods and methodological, legal, and organizational forms of interaction of parties involved in competitive cooperation. Finally, recommendations for implementing the strategy for forming competitive immunity of industrial enterprises in a region are put forward.

Keywords: industrial enterprise; competitiveness; cooperation; company’s competitive immunity; industrial partnership

For citation:

Krylatkov P. P., Blinkov I. O. Formirovanie konkurentnogo immuniteta promyshlennykh predpriyatiy v usloviyakh novoy industrializatsii [Formation of Competitive Immunity of Industrial Enterprises Under the New Industrialization]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 2 (64), pp. 68–77.