• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Formation of Monitoring System of Public-Private Partnership (Case of Industrial Complex)

Author: Irina N. Tkachenko, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Prof., Head of Corporate Economics & Business Management Dept; Marina V. Yevseeva, postgraduate of Corporate Economics & Business Management Dept.

Abstract: The article reveals the content of the concept “monitoring of public-private partnership development”, considers targets, tasks and objects of PPP monitoring. The paper validates the necessity of monitoring of public-private partnership development in three directions (contours) – external environment (in relation to PPP sphere), efficiency of implemented PPP projects and results of managing PPP development. The PPP monitoring system is based on organizational scheme describing interaction of key participants in the project and a set of criteria reflecting PPP development. The formation of PPP monitoring system is illustrated at the example of the industrial complex of Sverdlovsk oblast. The authors examined a spectrum of typical problems of industrial complex in modern conditions and showed how the PPP mechanism as a tool for managing private and public investment resources may be applied to solve them. The paper presents the formed groups of indicators for monitoring of public-private partnership development in the industrial complex of Sverdlovsk oblast that take into account a factor of external environment of PPP development, institutional and organizational-managerial factors of PPP sphere development as well as the efficiency of PPP projects.

Keywords: regional industrial complex; public-private partnerships; monitoring; efficiency of PPP projects; PPP impact.