• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
State Economic Planning in Russia: the Past and the Present

Author: Natalya A. Nevskaya, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Prof. of Political Economy Dept.

Abstract: The first part of the paper reviews the Soviet experience of economic forecasting and planning and characterizes the current stage of formation of strategic planning. In the years of operation of the planned system of the economy there were developed approaches and methods of planning and forecasting of economic processes. The basis for planning in market conditions is economic modeling. Planned indicators are formed by means of genetic forecasts that are produced using macroeconomic models. The paper presents the main models designed by Russian scientists for market conditions.

The second part of the paper is devoted to the system of strategic planning in modern Russia. On the basis of the regulatory framework of strategic planning the author considers the system of planning documents that includes state forecasts and programs of strategic planning. The paper presents a forecasting technique complying with the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Keywords: macroeconomic forecasting; economic model; indicative planning; strategic planning; planning in the USSR.