• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Coordination of Labour Supply and Demand on Regional and Local Labour Markets

Author: Aleksandr G. Mokronosov, Dr. Sc. (Ec.), Prof., Head of Enterprises Economics & Accounting Dept; Aleksandr A. Vershinin, Head of Laboratory of Enterprises Economics & Accounting Dept.

Abstract: The article analyzes the main problems and contradictions of modern regional and local labour markets of Russia. Special attention is paid to spatial polarization of social and economic development, issues of coordination of labour supply and demand. The paper suggests a methodological approach to the typology of municipalities according to the degree of imbalance between workforce and vacancies. The need for cluster approach to ensure outstripping development of personnel capacity of the territory is proved.

Key words: imbalance between workforce and vacancies; spatial polarization; territorial cluster; regional and local labour markets.