• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Investment Development of an Industrial Complex on the Basis of Public-Private Partnership


Irina N. Tkachenko and Marina V. Yevseeva


The article reveals the content of the concept “investment development of an industrial complex” and proves that essentially it represents the process of supporting extended reproduction of investment po‑ tential and reducing investment risks of sectoral systems. The paper specifies the structure of investment potential of an industrial complex and systematizes the toolkit of public-private partnership comprising contractual and institutional forms of its application. The authors demonstrate that the application of the toolkit of public-private partnership allows exerting direct and indirect impact on specific elements of investment potential of industrial complexes. A functional model of public-private partnership as a tool for development of industrial complexes is designed. The authors suggest assessing the efficiency of applying the said toolkit according to the contribution of aggregated results of public-private partnership into the indicators of investment potential of an industrial complex

Keywords: industrial complex; public-private partnership; investment development; investment potential; investment appeal; efficiency; functional model.

For citation:

Tkachenko I.N., Yevseeva M. V. Investitsionnoe razvitie otraslevogo kompleksa promyshlennosti na osnove gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva [Investment Development of an Industrial Complex on the Basis of Public-Private Partnership]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 5 (67), pp. 111–122.