• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Government Programs as a Tool of Human Resources Management at the Level of the RF Subjects


Aleksandr Yu. Kokovikhin


The paper aims to provide suggestions on using government programs of a subject of federation as a tool to manage human resources. It presents the analysis of theoretical approaches and the results of empirical monitoring of tools of public management of human resources that ensures the coordination between the spheres of formation and application of professional competencies. Institutional theory (concept of institutional barriers and institutional filters) and resource theory (concept of core competences) are considered as the theoretical basis of public competency-based management. The author develops a model of the system of formation and application of professional competencies at regional level. The research methodology included a comparative analysis of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities’ regulations, which set requirements for government programs, including the requirements to the parts concerning the demand for labour resources, necessary for implementation of these programs. In terms of the methodology of competency management, the author describes the management mechanisms and identifies factors affecting it, such as institutional barriers and filters. Finally, the paper formulates proposals relating to the content of the parts of the government program devoted to the demand for labour resources and the tools for managing competencies at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation.


new public management; government program; institutional barriers; institutional filters; competency-based management; human resources management; management factor; management tool.

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For citation:

Kokovikhin A. Yu. Gosudarstvennye programmy kak instrument upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami na urovne subyektov federatsii [Government programs as a tool of human resources management at the level of the RF subjects]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 3 (71), pp. 91−103.