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Institutional Corridor of Land Relations Development


Yevgeny V. Popov and Gennady M. Sokolov


The paper studies the concept of institutional corridor in the context of the problem of determining the vector of institutional changes in the sphere of land relations. The author proves the hypothesis about the existence of institutional corridor in the course of design of institutional environment of land relations in Russia, India and Japan. The research applies the theory of institutional matrices, or X-Ytheory that suggests there are two types of economic systems, namely X- and Y-economies. Each type of economy is characterized by a different set of economic institutions. On the basis of a mixed approach the paper specifies the institutional corridor of the land relations evolution for each of the analyzed countries, which depends on the quality of institutional matrix inertia. The results of defining the boundaries of institutional changes can be used in the political decision-making in the field of land relations.


land relations; institutional corridor; institutional matrices theory; X-economy; Y-economy.

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For citation:

Popov Ye. V., Sokolov G. M. Institutsionalnyiy koridor razvitiya zemelnyih otnosheniy [Institutional corridor of land relations development]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 3 (71), pp. 5–18.