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On the Methodologies for Evaluation of Tax Authorities’ Performance from the Perspective of Economic-Mathematical Modelling


Andrey L. Anisimov and Yury B. Melnikov


The authors deal with the problem of assessing the efficiency of tax authorities’ control activities applying the systemic-holistic approach. The paper presents and analyzes main stages of the assessment toolkit formation, reveals the essence of the procedure of the control efficiency evaluation accompanied by grouping of the involved indicators. The shortcomings of the applied toolkit are shown, and econom‑ ic-mathematical model of evaluation of tax authorities’ performance is conceptually outlined. Special at‑ tention is paid to the methodologies for evaluation of tax authorities’ performance, their systematization, and identification of the basic criteria used in the assessment of tax authorities’ performance. Problems arising from the use of the methodologies under consideration are discussed. According to the authors, it is strictly necessary to build a unified system of evaluation of tax authorities’ control activities, includ‑ ing a unified system of criteria, what can be done through the development of appropriate economicmathematical models of assessment and improvement of tax authorities’ performance

Keywords: efficiency; performance evaluation; evaluation criterion; performance of tax authori‑ ties; methodology for calculation; calculation methods; assessment of the activities of tax authorities; economic-mathematical model.

For citation:

Anisimov A.L., Melnikov Yu. B. O metodikakh otsenki effektivnosti deyatel'nosti nalogovykh organov s pozitsii ekonomiko-matematicheskogo modelirovaniya [On the Methodologies for Evaluation of Tax Authorities’ Performance from the Perspective of Economic-Mathematical Modelling]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 1 (69), pp. 78–90.