• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Modelling of Economic Processes by Means of Formal Grammars with Contextual Arguments

Author: Dmitry M. Nazarov, Cand. Sc. (Ec.), Associate-Prof., Head of Business Information Science Dept; Aleksandr V. Skripov, Associate-Prof. of Applied Information Science Dept.

Abstract: The article looks at the specifics of applying contextual technology of modelling to determine the economic efficiency of enterprises using formal grammars with contextual arguments at the example of interaction of the major concepts of the microeconomic analysis – demand, supply, production costs in a number of markets. In addition, the paper reveals the reasons that lead the model based on the use of mathematical apparatus of grammar LL(1)K, to a deeper abstraction at a stage of economic process modelling what results in the necessity to improve the reliability of decision-making.

Key words: concepts of microeconomic analysis; economic efficiency; contextual modelling; grammars of formal languages; process approach.