• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
The Analysis of the Structure of Electricity Consumption in the Regions of Intensive Development

Author: Sofia G. Kilinkarova, Cand. Sc. (Ec.), Associate-Prof., Head of Financial-Economic & Legal Regulation of Management Dept; Natalya V. Gladkova, postgraduate of Financial-Economic & Legal Regulation of Management Dept.

Abstract: The article characterizes the structure of electricity consumption in the economic space of North Caucasus Federal District in 2009–2011 yrs. The major directions of economic growth resulting in the increasing demand for electricity in the region are examined; key factors behind the growing demand for energy resources are identified. The authors look at the current economic problems of the energy complex functioning. The solution of these problems is thought to contribute crucially to the stability and efficiency of the regional energy system which consumers of the district are highly dependent on.

Key words: North Caucasus Federal District; structure of energy consumption; gross regional product; electricity consumption by households; electricity losses.