• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Developing the Nanobio-Membrane Lactose Manufacturing Technology as a Factor of Food Security

Author: Viktor A. Timkin, Cand. Sc., Prof. of Food Engineering Dept; Oksana A. Mazina, postgraduate of Food Engineering Dept; Gennady B. Pishchikov, Dr. Sc., Prof. of Food Engineering Dept.

Abstract: The paper reveals the main problems of regional food security in milk processing industry and looks at the main directions of whey processing. The authors suggest a waste-free method of whey processing applying a pressure-membrane technology. The paper presents the technology for obtaining a concentrated solution of lactose from whey without its preliminary preparation in home-produced ceramic membranes. The article gives the experimentally determined indicators of initial and final products after ultrafiltration and nanofiltration.

Key words: membrane technologies; food safety; ultrafiltration; nanofiltration; lactose.