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An ecosystem approach to managing innovative development in industry


Olga A. Chernova, Southern Federal University, Russian Information Analysis and Research Center for Water Industry, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Lyudmila G. Matveeva, Southern Federal University, Russian Information Analysis and Research Center for Water Industry, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Galina V. Gorelova, Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems of Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Rostov oblast, Russia


Despite relatively high innovation expenditures, innovative performance of the Russian industry is far behind the developed countries. This is largely due to the lack of adequate tools for choosing appropriate managerial impacts to exert on the innovative potential of industry. The study aims to develop methods for predicting the effects of managerial impacts on the innovative development of industrial ecosystems and test them on the case of the Russian water industry. Methodological basis of the research comprises the theory of industrial development, and ecosystem approach. The research method is cognitive modelling of managerial impacts on the development of innovation ecosystem of the water industry. The calculations are performed using the authors’ programme Cognitive Modeling Complex Systems. The researchers develop a cognitive map, which allows forecasting the effects of managerial impacts that regulate interactions between the ecosystem participants. The suggested tools help to choose rational forms of partner relationships, and as a result, increase the efficiency of the functional cycle of the innovation process management. Both companies and government bodies can apply the results of the study to create scenarios and strategies of innovative development in industry.

Keywords: ecosystems; innovative development; industry; ecosystem paradigm; cognitive modeling; water industry.

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For citation: Chernova O. A., Matveeva L. G., Gorelova G. V. (2021). Ekosistemnyy podkhod k upravleniyu protsessami innovatsionnogo razvitiya promyshlennosti [An ecosystem approach to managing innovative development in industry]. Journal of New Economy, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 44–65. DOI: 10.29141/2658-5081-2021-22-2-3