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Infra-Economics as an Emerging Direction in Economics


Yevgeny P. Dyatel, Natalya V. Golomolzina and Dmitry S. Petrenko


The paper deals with the dialectics of an object and a subject of economic science generating the interconnected set of economic concepts. It concludes that the distinguished difference between politi‑ cal economy and economics is based on that the attention of the former is focused on economic phe‑ nomenon of goods whereas a specific object of economics is an economic phenomenon of service. This results in the difference in verification of theoretical propositions, i.e. their juxtaposition with concrete economic objects, which along with goods and services include public good. The latter represents ele‑ ments of infrastructure, an integrated complex for life support of people and a condition for continuous functioning of economy. The authors demonstrate that the infrastructure is both different from the private economic good (the object of political economy) and from economic services (the object of neoclassical economics). This allows them to introduce the term “infra-economics” delimiting a specific area of economic research as well as to determine the role of infrastructure in relation the conceptual framework of political econ‑ omy and economics. In addition, the paper looks at inframarginal economics, a prospective direction of economic analysis, which reveals the role of economic structures, for instance, division of labour, from the viewpoint of the effect of increasing returns

Keywords: movable and immovable property; infra-economics; infrastructure; inframarginal eco‑ nomics; public good; object and subject; goods; services; economy; economic organization.

For citation:

Dyatel Ye.P., Golomolzina N. V., Petrenko D.S. Infraekonomika kak formiruyushcheesya napravlenie ekonomicheskoy teorii [Infra-Economics as an Emerging Direction in Economics].  Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 5 (67), pp. 5–17.