• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Mechanisms and Institutions of HR Management in the Course of Formation of Investment Climate at National and Regional Levels


Aleksandr Yu. Kokovikhin


The article focuses on institutions and mechanisms of HR management that are crucial for improv‑ ing national and regional investment climate. The study is based on the global and national ratings of investment climate. It analyzes the methodology and findings of the assessment held to identify the con‑ tribution of HR management institutions at national level and HR management mechanisms at regional level to the investment climate ratings. Accordingly, the most important directions and measures of the national and regional human resources policy that will help foster favourable investment climate are de‑ termined. Having surveyed the opinions of major regional employers, the author was able to formulate proposals on improvement of competence management system allowing for the regional specifics. The results of the present research may be applied to design and implement state human resources policy at national and regional levels by government authorities.

Keywords: investment climate; management mechanisms; rating; state human resource policy; management of competences

For citation:

Kokovikhin A.Yu. Mekhanizmy i instituty upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami v formirovanii investitsionnogo klimata na natsional'nom i regional'nom urovnyakh [Mechanisms and Institutions of HR Management in the Course of Formation of Investment Climate at National and Regional Levels]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 5 (67), pp. 100–110.