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Methodological Approach to Identifying Key Development Problems of an Economic Sector


Berik K. Dzhamanbalin and Yury B. Klyuev


The authors suggest and justify a methodological approach to identifying and ranking key problems of economic sectors at the stage of designing programs for their strategic development. The approach is based on taking into account the country’s general goals, sectors’ goals and consequences of handling problems. Country’s goals are considered using the analysis of interrelations between sector’s problems and assessments of the country’s global competitiveness index and the analysis of its dynamics. Sec‑ tor’s goals are considered using the analysis of interrelations between sector’s problems and a number of indicators characterizing organizational-financial form of a sector: innovation intensity, scales of investments, competitiveness of environment and companies’ competitiveness. Consequences of handling sector’s problems, especially problems with unclear risks, are determined applying cognitive maps. Cog‑ nitive maps for a problem are made in two variants for the analysis of first, the consequences of handling the problem and second, consequences of not solving it. The methodological approach is developed using the case of electric power industry, though its main propositions can be applied for other large and important sectors. The developed methodology should enhance objectivity of problems’ selection and ease the process, because it creates possibilities of automation and unification of the procedures.

Keywords: sector’s problems; ranking of problems; country’s goals; sector’s goals; competitiveness index; organizational-financial form; cognitive map.

For citation:

Dzhamanbalin B. K., Klyuev Yu. B. Metodologicheskiy podkhod k vyboru glavnykh problem razvitiya otrasli [Methodological Approach to Identifying Key Development Problems of an Economic Sector]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 5 (67), pp. 123–131.