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  • Russian (CIS)
The Arctic Territories of Russia: Challenges to Sustainable Economic Development


Evelina V. Peshina and Andrey S. Zakharov


The research studies territories (parts of territories) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which were included into the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the President in 2014. The relevance of the addressed theme is confirmed by the fact that the problems of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation have not received a comprehensive scientific discussion. One of the reasons behind such situation is lack of official statistics on territories included into the Arctic Zone. The primary ob‑ jective of the study is to determine the problematic “zones” of the territories of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation applying general scientific methods of factor analysis, systems theory, information theory, comparative-historical and interregional analysis as well as the methods of expert assessments and analogies. The article presents the findings of the research on three interrelated tasks: calculation of the composition and assessment of the number of territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as of 1990 and 2016; assessment of the budgetary resources of territories assigned to the Arctic Zone in five reporting years (2010–2015) as well as evaluation of the share of the budget of Yamalo-Nenets auton‑ omous district in these resources; comparative analysis of the characteristics of the powers, expenditure obligations of the budgets of the Russian Federation subjects completely related to the Arctic zone during the reporting period. Finally, the authors formulate main conclusions in the form of challenges for the next decade of sustainable economic development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation using the experience of overseas territories in the Arctic areas: demographics, economy and finance.

Keywords: spatial distribution of resources; the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation; sustainable development.

For citation:

Peshina E. V., Zakharov A.S. Arkticheskie territorii Rossii: vyzovy ustoychivomu ekonomicheskomu razvitiyu [The Arctic Territories of Russia: Challenges to Sustainable Economic Development]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 6 (68), pp. 109–122.