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Venture Capital as a Specific Investment Resource: An Institutional Aspect

Authors: Tatyana I. Volkova and Ivan A. Usoltsev


The analysis of highly developed countries’ practice and relevant scientific studies indicates that venture capital is a productive resource of investment support in terms of unlocking innovation projects’ potential and dynamic development of innovative companies. The advantages and specific features of utilizing venture capital in comparison with other types of financial sources are structured. Poorly investigated or uninvestigated theoretical aspects of this multifaceted object are identified and justified. Within the frames of institutional methodology, the authors suggest applying an analytical-gnoseological method as one of the most adequate to complex nature, specifics and functions of venture capital and its investment objects. In addition, the authors prove the necessity to extend the corresponding targeted training of specialists to make venture investments into innovative development of the national economy more dynamic.

Keywords: venture capital; specific investment resource; institutional methodology; analytical-gnoseological method.

For citation:

Volkova T.I., Usoltsev I. A. Venchurnyy kapital kak spetsificheskiy investitsionnyy resurs: institutsional'nyy aspect [Venture Capital as a Specific Investment Resource: An Institutional Aspect]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2016, no. 3 (65), pp. 39–49.