• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
Formation of Logistic Systems in Agro-Industrial Complex Using the Resources of Information and Consultancy Services

Author: Zinaida B. Khmelnitskaya and Sergey Yu. Zolotukhin


The paper considers specifics of logistic processes in agriculture. According to the authors, agriculture is a complex logistic system with some particularities and limitations. The article identifies key directions that extend the concept “logistics”. It highlights the importance of cooperation in logistics development in agro-industrial complex and proves the need for developing a network of information and consultancy services, which could organize seminars on the issues concerning the design of internal and external logistic chains on the basis of the principles and methods of agricultural cooperation.

Keywords: logistics; logistic system; stochastic system; sales logistics; production cooperative; commodity flow; information and consultancy service; agriculture; agro-industrial complex.