• English (United Kingdom)
  • Russian (CIS)
State Regulation of Airport Charges: The Failures of Russian Legislation and Development Priorities

Author: Natalya Yu. Yaroshevich and Valery Zh. Dubrovskiy


The paper scrutinizes the problems of state regulation of charges of airports that provide various services – aviation and non-aviation ones. Only basic part of aviation services related to natural monopoly component is subject to state regulation. Allowing for the provisions of the major documents of International Civil Aviation Organization in terms of regulation of airport charges the authors have found out that the majority of charges regulation principles are not implemented into modern legislation. The comparative analysis of foreign experience and Russian regulation practice revealed significant drawbacks and prospective directions for improvement of the state system of airport charges regulation. Implementation of the suggested directions will favour costs reduction, optimization and increased efficiency of management, healthy competition in the industry.

Keywords: state regulation; airport; airport charges; regulations; infrastructure; natural monopoly; complex service.